Sunday, June 29, 2014

OAP's First Beach Trip

We took Olivia to the beach this weekend to see Uncle Gary, Aunt Shelva, and Cousin Jennifer. Saturday morning we took her out to see the ocean and play in the sand. She LOVED it! She kept trying to eat the sand and we decided she would just have to figure out for herself that it doesn't taste good. She took a nap in her tent for about an hour and by the time she woke up the tide had gone out. We took her down and let her sit in the tide pools. She really enjoyed playing in the wet sand. 

She also loved hanging out with Uncle Gary, Aunt Shelva, and Jennifer. Uncle Gary rode her around on the golf cart and Aunt Shelva and Jennifer played with her and gave her lots of attention. We are so lucky to be part of such a loving family!

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