Monday, May 5, 2014

OAP is 5 months!!

What does that say??

Olivia Ann is 5 months old!!

OA is on the move! This month she has been super squirmy.  Taking these pictures were the most difficult yet. She isn't crawling yet, but she will roll wherever she wants to go. She is extremely determined. She is also extremely hard headed already which is kind of scary. She has such a personality and is so much fun. OA loves to smile at everyone and every once and a while we can get a good belly laugh from her. She has been very healthy this month and has done a better job of sleeping in her crib. She likes to sleep on her stomach with her butt up in the air. Every time we lay her on her back, she will roll to her stomach and stick her butt up! It is adorable, but it makes me nervous that she doesn't sleep on her back.  Her new favorite thing is to play peek-a-boo. 

Zack and Lily are still doing great with her. They get big smiles from her and she will try to talk to them. She makes all sorts of new noises when they are around. Last month the only thing that would calm her down when she was upset was for TJ to sing Old McDonald. Now every time she gets upset, Lily starts singing!

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