Saturday, January 23, 2016

Addilyn Ruth is 7 months old!!

Addilyn is 7 months old!! She is sitting up by herself and loves to sit and play. Her favorite things to play with right now are blocks. She is babbling a lot and is trying to crawl. She got her first ear infection this month. She is always smiling!! Addilyn also started going to daycare 3 days a week. She loves to people watch!!

App State vs. Carolina

TJ and I got tickets to the Appalachian State vs. UNC game and decided to take the girls with us! It was great at the beginning of the game, but they got bored quick. At least we got some good pictures.

Christmas 2015

We had a great Christmas this year! We spend Christmas Eve with my parents and Justin and Andrea and then we spent Christmas Day with TJ's parents and Anna and Steve. The kids were super happy with the gifts they received but the most important part was the great time we had with our families!