Saturday, June 27, 2015

Addilyn Ruth is here!!

Addilyn Ruth Parrish
June 23, 2015
8 lb 4 oz
20 1/4 in

Addilyn came 2 weeks early. We are so glad that she is here. We are in LOVE and so are the kids. We were a little worried about Olivia's reaction, but she has been so sweet to Addilyn!

Lily is 7!!

Lily had a pool party for her 7th birthday. The kids swam from the first hour or so and then they came back to the house for cake and snacks.

The kids had a great time swimming and enjoyed the cake and snacks. It was so much fun seeing Lily with her friends from school and the neighborhood.

Friday, June 26, 2015

End of the School Year 2014-2015

The kids had a great school year this year! This is a picture of them on Awards Day. Both of them loved their teachers. They both did great academically and their teachers raved about how fantastic both of them are!

Here are the first day of school and last day of school comparison pictures. It is always amazing to see how much they have grown up.