Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas 2014

Christmas this year was a little different than last year! Olivia was into everything and was able to enjoy her presents. Zack and Lily were with us the week before Christmas so we went to see lights and made gingerbread houses. I loved being able to read the Christmas story with them on Christmas Eve and it is so great to see their faces Christmas morning. Izzie also came back this year and was up to her usual tricks. She even followed us to Pilot Mountain for the weekend.



We also made a little announcement... We will have another baby Parrish in July!!

OAP is 1 year old!!

It is amazing how quickly a year goes by! I can't believe that she is 1 year old. She is walking everywhere and eating pretty much everything! She loves milk, bananas, yogurt, and chicken. Her new favorite word is "yummy." She has 6 teeth, 3 on top and 3 on bottom. She has 1 more coming in on the bottom which will make 7. She loves her brother and sister and she loves to dance. She is as strong willed as ever and the older she gets the more she wants to be independent. She still is a terrible sleeper, but hopefully that will get better! She has the best personality and can easily make you smile by putting her face in front of yours and saying "hi!" She gets peoples attention wherever we go because if they aren't looking at her she will yell "hi!" to them. 

A few updates that I missed...

Here are a couple of neat things Zack and Lily did this fall.

Lily participated in a cheerleading camp with Corinth Holders High School. She went in the morning one Saturday and then was able to cheer at a football game one Friday night!


Zack won his class spelling bee and was able to participate in the school wide spelling bee! He did such a great job!