Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hill Ridge Farms 2014

We had so much fun at Hill Ridge Farms last year that we decided to go back! TJ and I love taking the kids to this pumpkin patch. They enjoy all of the activities and so do we! My favorite is the barn filled with corn. TJ loves the hay ride to pick out a pumpkin, and Zack and Lily love the bouncing pillow. It is always a great time and gets you in the mood for everything Fall!

Friday, October 3, 2014

OAP is 10 months old!

Olivia Ann is 10 months old! I feel like I was just doing this for her turning 9 months old. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Olivia is getting stronger on her feet. She has taken a few steps by herself this month and can walk well as long as she is holding on to something. She really likes walking while holding on to her baby doll stroller. She is also starting to say things a little clearer. She will look at me now and say "mama." She will also say, "dada" when TJ comes in the room. A couple of new words this month have been "meme" and "baby." Her new favorite thing is puffs. Any flavor, she loves them all! She also like playing with everything she is not supposed to play with! You can dump a whole bucket of her toys out in front of her and she will go straight to the curtains or the end tables. This is such a fun age and we are loving every day and every new adventure with OAP!