Sunday, October 20, 2013


Today Lily and I decorated our pumpkins. We decided not to carve them this year. She was super proud of how they turned out!

Dale's Walk and Horne Creek

This weekend we went to Pilot Mountain for my 10 year class reunion and Dale's Heart Walk. On Saturday morning we had Dale's walk and on Saturday afternoon, mom and TJ took the kids to Horne Creek.

Dale's walk was wonderful. There were a lot of people there from the class of 2003 which was great! Dale's walk is always a great time to remember a fantastic person!!

I remember going to Horne Creek when I was younger and it was always a lot of fun. The kids shook corn, sawed a log, made apple cider, listened to a storyteller and Lily rode a pony. It was a little messy, but I think overall a great day!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Clayton Baby Shower

We had our shower at our house this weekend. Mary Margaret, Stephanie, and Anna did such a great job! The food was amazing and everything was put together just right! I can't put into words how grateful I am for these 3 girls. I am so lucky to have them in my life! So many friends and family came and it was great to see them all. Olivia Ann got a lot of neat things and she is going to be one styling little girl!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homemade Pumkin Pie

When we were at Hill Ridge Farms, Lily decided that she wanted to make a pumpkin pie. I knew it would probably be easier to make it out of a can, but I felt like that might ruin Lily's dream of a real pumpkin pie so I went out and bought a pumpkin. This weekend we made 2 pumpkin pies out of a pumpkin, not the can! At first we couldn't cut into the pumpkin so we had to enlist TJ's help. Once we finally got into the pumpkin it was downhill from there. They turned out pretty good for our first experience!!